7 Ways to Improve Your Move

Moving home can be a stressful experience, no matter how often you’ve done it, but there are many ways you can make it a less stressful experience. Here are some key tips to keep your move on track.

Create your Moving Checklist. 

About two months before your move create your moving binder - physical or digital - and start a checklist. Print them out and put them in your binder. Keep your binder and checklist separate from your regular filing system, but include your To-Do lists, budget breakdowns and receipts. Make sure it’s easy to use, for quick document removal and use. Create reminders about locations of key items and where they are packed for the move.

Create a budget & Calculate Your Moving Costs

This is a critical part. Calculate what you are willing to spend and consider what moving services - if you don’t want to do it alone - that you want to use. There’s a lot to consider and a lot of expenses to factor into your planning. Research whether you want to hire movers or rent a truck if you’re doing it alone - there’s a big difference in the cost, but it may well be worth spending more and focusing on other stages of the move. For sure you will need to budget for many of the following items:

  • Boxes, tape, padding, marker pens and supplies

  • Cleaning supplies for cleaning your old home

  • Travel costs - depending on your move, from gas and food to lodging, or even plane tickets

  • Storage rental unit costs

  • Bills due at your current or your new home

Choose the Right Movers

Picking the right movers will save you a lot of stress and the labor if you decide against doing it alone.  

Whatever you decide, make sure you shop around and get multiple free quotes from movers to find the best fit for your budget. Factors to consider as you shop around:

  • Social media reviews; feedback from friends and neighbors.

  • Check liability coverage & insurance policies to ensure your property will be adequately covered.

  • Are they properly licensed?

  • Check they have experience handling your specific type of move - whether you are moving from a high rise to a townhome, have they had experience with your specific needs? 

  • Check for references. These are your valuables, make sure you can trust the people who are moving them.

  • Avoid unexpected surprises and ask for a binding quote or a not-to-exceed estimate. If you prefer to know in advance what your final cost is going to be, then a not-to-exceed estimate is the better path to follow.

Update All Your Contacts with Your New Address Before You Move

Before you even begin thinking about packing, inform all the key utilities, organizations and people whom you may need to contact prior to moving. These should include:

  • USPS official change of address form at the post office, and set up mail forwarding for up to 6 months

  • Updating information at the Department of Motor Vehicles

  • Setting up electricity, water, gas, garbage, internet, cable, etc.

  • Updating primary online shopping accounts

  • Notifying insurance companies and financial accounts

  • All companies that send bills

  • Doctors, dentists, schools & daycare.

  • Employer, family and friends

Get Help from Friends & Family

Even if you do employ the services of a professional moving company, having friends available for the day of, or the days leading up to the move is key. Plan ahead of time so you can “lock them in” on a set moving date. Here are some of the ways they can help in advance of the big move:

  • Packing up a room, or unpacking and arranging furniture after the move

  • Lifting, disassembly/assembly of large/heavy furniture

  • Painting, cleaning & basic patching up

  • Watching the kids or pets

  • Donating unwanted possessions

  • Unpacking and arranging furniture post unloading

Label your Moving Boxes For Easy Unpacking

Save time and stay organized by thoroughly labelling your boxes with content labels. Time spent thinking this through upfront will help you as you unpack later. Organize by room so that you can open each box after your move by need - you will thank yourself later when you locate the dishes, cutlery and bathroom essentials on your first night in your new home. Some labelling options to consider include:

  • Label boxes accurately e.g. by ‘bathroom’ or ‘second bedroom’ will help place a box quickly and to speed up unpacking.

  • Itemize contents on the box to locate those specific items you’re searching for.

  • Give each box a number so you can account for them before you unpack.

  • Consider adding a color and dedicate boxes to a different room.

  • Finally, prioritize by ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’, so that High (H) boxes can be unpacked first and Low (L) left until later.

  • Add all details on the side so that all boxes are easy to read when stacked up.

Pack in the Right Order

To help you keep sane on the day (and a few thereafter), aim to pack in the right order. Take an inventory of your belongings and move from room to room. Make it a goal to declutter before you move - give away, sell and donate items you don’t need. Follow these points to guide your packing process:

  • Start The Packing In The Least Used Room and move to more frequently used rooms after

  • Pack Items That Are In Storage, whether in the garage or storage room - these are the easiest to pack.

  • Pack The Most Difficult Room - don’t leave this last when you’re most tired.

  • Pack Out Of Season Items Next. Christmas decorations, trees and other items that are only used seasonally should be packed first.

  • Decor & Books. Items that are easy to pack first because they may not be needed in the weeks before a move or soon after.

  • Pack Shoes & Jewelry. Leave out the pairs that you most often wear and pack the rest.

Moving can be one of the most stressful things you can do leaving you feeling overwhelmed that you don’t know where to begin.  Use some of the tips above and you will find it a less challenging and stressful process - you may even enjoy the slice of pizza and glass of wine at the end of your first evening in your new home.




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