The Benefits of Home Humidification

 It's not uncommon to wake up during the winter with a dry throat or even dry skin, eye, and chapped lips. These can all be caused by the crisp dry winter air. The dry even impacts the wood within your home, cracking or shrinking your hard wood floors, the trim and furniture. The dry air also affects your body’s mucous membranes, enhancing your risk of developing a cold or breathing challenges. TheHomeMag Pro Cool Breeze is proud to be your go to HVAC service company in Reno and they are excited to help keep you comfortable through the unpredictable weather that winter brings.

 Keeping your house at proper humidity level can have many benefits. Ideally, a home should have around 45%. The range that is most advised is anywhere between 30%-50%. When you are able to keep the house at 45% humidity, your living environment will be much cleaner, healthier, and most importantly comfortable.

The benefits of maintaining ideal humidity levels for your home in the winter include:

  • Prevent common illness: Viruses, transmit more easily in dry air. A proper humidity level also prevents sore throats and headaches and decreases contact lens discomfort.

  • Better control of dust: An ideal humidity level of 45% helps to keep dust, allergens and pollutants out of the air, which makes the air you're breathing much more healthy to breath.

  • Comfort: Decrease the symptoms of dry skin, chapped lips, irritated eyes, and the pesky sore throat with increased humidity.

  • Furniture and wood care: You know the door that doesn't close quite as good in the winter? Yeah that's not "a settling house."
    Dry air can effect hardwood floors, framework, wooden furniture, or even your nice pianos. Proper humidity prevents warping or cracking.

Add Humidification To Your Home

Installing a humidifier is the go to way to fix the humidification issues in your home. You will be enjoying the benefits of having an easy to control whole-house humidifier that works hand-in-hand with your homes HVAC system. Contact the expert representatives from Cool Breeze for any of your questions about home humidity or any other HVAC concerns or issues you may have - they have staff ready to help you whenever you may need it!


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