Holiday Advertising for Your Home Improvement Business

Rise above the competition and reach your customers where they are - at home this holiday season. During this busy time of year, it’s important to stay visible in homes and keep your momentum. As people gather together, they’re likely to compare home improvements and consider making some of their own.

Keep Up with your Competition – Don’t lose out on market share
Your competition is surely advertising. If they’re not, you have a huge advantage! If you’re not, then they have the advantage.

Top of Mind Awareness
During the holidays, people have a number of things on their minds. Even if you’re not selling gifts, you don’t want them to forget about you. When they’re ready to make their purchase, they’ll think of you first.

Don’t Break Your Frequency! – People need to know that you are still around
You’ve made a big investment in getting your name out there. Don’t just stop advertising because of a perceived lack of readership when in reality home improvement decisions are made over the holidays while families are together, relaxing and completing their home environment. Nothing reminds homeowners how important their home is than the time spent at their home and others during the holidays.

People often take their time when buying – People are still researching during the holidays
People have more time to research during the holidays, and things like home improvement projects are important decisions that may take a few months to decide on. While advertising during the holidays, your brand is made aware during a time when families are together more than ever to make these type of decisions together.

Customers Forget – It’s your job to remind them
Did you happen to see an ad today for Coke, Apple or McDonalds? I’m guessing you probably did or at least someone in your family did. These companies have certainly established their brand names as arguably some of the most well known brand namea in the world. So why not cut back on the advertising a little? The reason is very simple- We the customer forget without constant reminders. Each day a customer doesn’t hear about your company is one more day they start hearing about your competitor.

It Takes a While to Ramp Up – You can’t afford to waste time
Have you ever noticed that when you haven’t used your hose in a while, it takes some time for the water to exit the spout from the time you turn on the faucet. The same is true in marketing. When you completely stop advertising, you can’t expect that when you start up again, that the leads in your pipeline will instantly be gushing.

You know you are going to be highly motivated come the New Year to ramp up your business. Call TheHomeMag at (844) 550-5830 or email us at and let us help you build brand awareness and boost sales that continue far after the holiday season.


10 Reasons TheHomeMag Works for Home Improvement Businesses


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