10 Reasons Why You Advertise During The Holidays

Catch shoppers when they are in the spending mood

Did you notice the tire ads in the paper today? If you need tires you probably did. If not, you probably didn’t give them a second glance. Not everyone is your customer every day, however each and every day, there is a portion of the population that is looking for your product. You need to be there when they are ready to start looking for that product. That’s why you can’t afford not to advertise during the holidays.

  1. Keep Up With Your Competition. Your competition is surely advertising. If they’re not, you have a huge advantage.

  2. Increased Sales Numbers. We’ve seen clients experience a 50% sales increase (or more) from a holiday ad campaign!

  3. TOMA (Top Of Mind Awareness). During the holidays, people have a number of things on their minds. Even if you’re not selling gifts, you don’t want them to forget about you.

  4. Don’t Break Your Frequency! You’ve made a big investment in getting your name out there. Don’t just stop advertising because of a perceived lack of readership when in reality home improvement decisions are made over the holidays while families are together, relaxing and completing their home environment.

  5. 4 out of 5 Adults Continue to Read Magazines During the Holidays. Readers continue to read during the holidays. It is a myth that readership declines as our call volumes can attest.

  6. Name Recognition. When a customer thinks of a product, do you want them to think of Home Depot, Wal-Mart or you? It’s pretty hard for them to immediately think of you if they don’t see your company name anywhere.

  7. People Take Time to Make Big Purchases. People often use a laptop when they travel. Perhaps they need a new laptop? Will they buy one tomorrow? Probably not. They’ll start watching the ads, studying the available brands and assembling the features they need. They may not make the purchase for several months, but when they do, they’ll have a dealer top of mind who will get the shot at their business.

  8. Customers Forget. Let’s look at Coca-Cola. It is one of the most well-known brand names in the world. So why don’t they cut back on their advertising a little and put some ad money into their bottom line or make the stockholders happy with an extra dividend? The reason is very simple. We, the customers, forget without constant reminders. Everyday a customer doesn’t hear about your company is one more day they start listening to your competition.

  9. Customers Move. It’s estimated that the population of towns completely turns over every seven years. Studies show that 25% of your customers will move each year. Plan a yearly “Grand Opening” to welcome and attract that new 25% percent who have settled in your selling area.

  10. Fast Constant Flow Builds a Tsunami. Have you ever noticed that when you haven’t used your hose in a while, it takes some time for the water to exit the spout from the time you turn on the faucet? The same is true in marketing. When you completely stop advertising, you can’t expect that when you start up again, that the leads in your pipeline will instantly be gushing. Come the New Year, you are going to be highly motivated to ramp up your business. Make that effort more attainable by continuing to advertise over the holidays.

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