Why Are Print Magazines Still Leading The Way?

Your business thrives off new customers and reaching consumers directly. Choosing to be proactive in engaging them each month, can fuel your business by generating more consistent, reliable and higher-quality leads. According to MPA (The Association of Magazine Media), in todays digital world print magazines are still valued more than ads in any other media,

Here is why:

  • 61% of readers are inspired to take action after seeing a Print magazine ad.

  • Print is the #1 driver of purchase intent.

  • Print magazines are #1 in reaching affluent, influential consumers.

  • Print yields a greater increase in brand awareness and brand favorability.

  • Print magazine readers lead the way for super influencers in home furnishings and remodeling.

Print being our business, we can help you understand the print experience and why it yields the best results in the market.

What to Expect In Your First Months

Anything worthwhile, such as getting a college degree, starting a diet, or working out at the gym, produce minimal results in the beginning. However, over time one begins to see increasing results as they work toward their goal(s).

• Your first month is the intrusion. You are interjecting yourself to the frequent readers who have never seen you before. You are now rubbing shoulders with some of the best names in the home improvement industry.

• In your second month, readers start to take notice as it is now the second time they have a chance to see your ad.

• By your third month, there is some consistency and recognition building, helping establish with you and the readers.

• By your fourth month you are off and running. You are beginning to get some traction with the readers now. They know you are a consistent player and are here to stay. They start to feel confident about your stability and expertise.

Compounding Residual Calls

A print campaign works off compounding the calls from month to month. TheHomeMag Northern Nevada has up to a six-month shelf life, so you should expect calls from previous issues. That is why it is important not to skip an issue.

See the example below:

Be Consistent with Your Campaign

A true fact in marketing: When you completely stop advertising, you can’t expect that when you start up again, the leads in your pipeline will instantly be gushing. Years of research has proved that experienced and successful companies know that it pays dividends to keep their names in front of the public to maintain top-of-mind awareness and to expand their market share.

Remember, Do Not Skip The Holidays

You’ve made an investment in getting your name out there. Don’t stop advertising because of a perceived lack of readership over a holiday. Actually, your target audience has more time during these occasions to read, ponder, and discuss important home improvement needs. There is still on-going business, new leads, and activity during the holidays.

Not A One-Hit Wonder

TheHomeMag Northern Nevada is engineered and programmed for success. Each successive appearance of your ad in TheHomeMag Northern Nevada creates increasing awareness and familiarity with your brand and the products/services you provide for your target audience. TheHomeMag Northern Nevada is designed to help you reach and address your ideal prospects. We have carefully researched and pre-screened hundreds of thousands of homeowners and have selected only those whose incomes and lifestyles best match up and have the greatest likelihood of needing and being able to afford your products/service.

We provide powerful and quantifiable advertising resources to cost-effectively reach your ideal customer.

Contact Us To Learn MORE


Why Print Advertising is Still So Effective


10 Reasons Why You Advertise During The Holidays